Warlords of Wor Mini-Comics

As I have mentioned in the past, I am currently having a blast working on a mini-comic mini-series based on the Warlords of Wor designer toy line by Brandon Michael Barker of ManOrMonster? Studios.  Basically, and this is in no way an exaggeration, the project is balls-out glory-pounded eat-your-own-face-while-riding-an-eagle spectacular.  Imagine the most epic heavy metal album you have ever heard, then add a laser fisted guitarist, a bobcat and/or jaguar’s voice, and 15 more pieces to the drum kit.

This is what we in the industry call the cover:

Warlords of Wor #1 Cover

(Warlords of Wor #1: The Mutant Muck Menace)

For the first story, penned by me (Eric Scot Lemons) from a story written by Barker, we see Bog-Nar pitted, in a battle sense, against Clawbber, The Two-Fisted General of Justice.  Peep that cover.  Notice that it reeks of gorgeous?  That is because of the artwork of Tim Seeley (Revival and Hack/Slash) with colors by Sean Forney.

I look forward to keeping everyone posted on this project.

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